Co-Managed IT Services

Who can you rely on for the right IT advice for your internal IT teams?
I.T. Matters provides co-managed IT services for all types of businesses
in Houston.
Discover more

Do You Have a Trusted Team of IT Professionals to Call on When Needed?

IT departments in Houston and across Texas are challenged with a number of unique issues:

  • Are you having a hard time finding the right candidate for your IT department?
  • Is your internal IT department struggling to complete projects and tasks in a timely manner?
  • Looking for a better solution to help with day-to-day help desk needs?

Co-managed IT services provided by I.T. Matters is the answer to all your technical services prayers. Not only are we experts in helping small to large companies who want to
outsource the complete management of their IT systems, but we are also the trusted team of information professionals for many local IT departments, CIOs, network managers, network administrators, and IT professionals across Houston and throughout Texas.

Discover how I.T. Matters can help your internal IT resources.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Key Benefits of Co-Managed IT Services for Businesses

Co-Managed IT Services offer a unique blend of internal IT expertise and external support, providing businesses with a flexible and cost-effective approach to IT management. Here’s how your organization can benefit from partnering with I.T. Matters for Co-Managed IT Services:

Enhanced Expertise and Resources

Gain access to a team of experienced IT professionals with specialized skills in various areas, such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, and network infrastructure. This expands your internal team’s capabilities and allows you to tackle complex IT challenges more effectively.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

By offloading routine tasks and day-to-day IT management to I.T. Matters, your internal IT team can focus on strategic initiatives and high-value projects, leading to increased efficiency and productivity across your organization.

Reduced IT Costs

Co-Managed IT Services can be more cost-effective than hiring and maintaining a full-fledged in-house IT department. You can leverage our expertise and resources on a flexible basis, paying only for the services you need.

Scalable IT Support

Our Co-Managed IT Services can easily scale up or down to match your evolving business needs. Whether you require additional support during peak periods or assistance with specific projects, we can tailor our services to fit your requirements.

Proactive IT Management

We take a proactive approach to IT management, identifying and addressing potential issues before they impact your business operations. This includes regular maintenance, security updates, and performance optimization, ensuring your IT infrastructure is always running smoothly.

The I.T. Matters Approach to Co-Managed IT Services

At I.T. Matters, our Co-Managed IT Services model is designed to complement your internal IT team’s capabilities and provide a seamless extension of your resources. Here’s how our approach works:

Collaborative Partnership

We begin by establishing a strong partnership with your internal IT team. We work closely together to understand your business goals, IT priorities, and specific challenges.

Tailored Service Plans

Based on your unique needs, we develop a customized Co-Managed IT Services plan that outlines the scope of services, responsibilities, and communication channels. This ensures that our services are aligned with your IT strategy and goals.

Seamless Integration

We integrate our team with your existing IT infrastructure and processes, working alongside your internal staff to provide seamless support and expertise.

Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance

We proactively monitor your IT environment for potential issues and performance bottlenecks. We also perform regular maintenance tasks to ensure optimal system health and security.

On-Demand Expertise

When complex IT challenges arise or you need specialized expertise, our team is ready to step in and provide the support you need.

Outsourcing to a Co-Managed IT Services Company Doesn’t Mean You’ll Be Fired

Unfortunately, there are a few in-house IT professionals who are reluctant to outsource any part of their IT systems. Some IT professionals are concerned that outsourcing will mean that they will be out of a job. That is so far from the truth. Well at least with I.T. Matters
as your co-managed IT services company, your job and career is safe. We will never petition to have you removed from your position.

Co-managed IT services provided by I.T. Matters are designed to make you the hero. Our goal is to make you the superstar of your organization. We want them to say “great job” when you walk down the hallway.

Here are a few ways we accomplish this:

  • Being an IT sounding board: Stuck on a project, have a tough technology question, or simply have a need for expert guidance? I.T. Matters is here to be your confidant and partner. We can hide in the background and make you look amazing.
  • Helping with Service Requests: Getting bombarded with help desk tickets from
    your users? Get rid of that and hand it over to I.T. Matters. Our team of help desk professionals can be your level one help desk and field all the requests for help, leaving you free to focus on bigger and better things.
  • Cybersecurity defense: Cybersecurity is a huge concern for many internal IT teams across Houston and Texas. This is an area no one person can be an expert in.
    This is why I.T. Matters works with many internal IT teams as their cybersecurity team, ensuring all the windows and doors are locked and the network is constantly monitored 24/7/365.

The above are just some of the ways I.T. Matters helps organizations through our
Co-Managed IT Services. Remember, we are not here to take your job. I.T. Matters is here as your trusted team of technology professionals, ready to make you look like the hero and the superstar to everyone in your company.

Co-Managed Services for Company Leadership

On a few occasions, company leadership has identified the need to get external help for their internal IT resources. Sometimes business leaders just needs an expert opinion on growth into new regions.

There is no desire to replace the internal IT teams, but there is a need for outside expert advice and services. This is where I.T. Matters can play a vital role with company

Outsourcing specific duties to I.T. Matters can free up your internal IT teams to take care of more pressing matters. Co-managed IT services is the perfect solution.

The goal of Co-managed IT Services is to work in partnership with internal IT resources to bring in the expertise and guidance you may require and to tackle many of the hiring challenges facing businesses today.

Co-Managed IT Services Solves Hiring Challenges

In more recent times, it has been a tough year across the country for hiring skilled IT professionals. Actually, this trend has been forming for years but has come to a head as businesses return to normal working environments post COVID-19.

The health challenges of 2020 and 2021 have made many organizations realize that information technology plays a vital role in all operations of a company. Not just day-to-day job functions, but business continuity, cybersecurity, and more have opened the eyes of many senior company executives on the importance of technology as a whole.

It is getting tougher and tougher for companies across Texas to find great people. This is why Co-managed IT Services from I.T. Matters are so important to your company. We have a team of IT Professionals skilled in networking, security, cloud solutions, and much more.
In addition, we work with you and your internal teams to tackle all your IT needs.