When was the Last Time You Tested Your Backup?

With Hurricane Season upon us, it is important to make sure you have the right systems in place to protect your data.
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When was the Last Time You Tested Your Backup?

With Hurricane Season upon us, it is important to make sure you have the right systems in place to protect your data. Catastrophic data loss can result from hardware failures, natural disasters, cybersecurity attacks, system outages, or network disruptions. Backing up your data is imperative.

When was the Last Time Your IT Company Checked Your Data Backups?

If a critical part of your IT infrastructure fails or went down for an extended period, are you confident that you will be able to recover all or parts of your data? According to research conducted by the University of Texas, 94% of companies suffering from a catastrophic data loss do not survive, 43% never reopen, and 51% close within 2 years. Regular testing of your data backup and data recovery services is a crucial part of an IT strategy.

How Often Should You Test Your Data Backup and Data Recovery Services?

Well, it all depends on your comfort level. Your IT company should sit down with you to determine your data backup and data recovering frequency. I.T. Matters, Inc. will create a detailed Business Continuity program for your company. With daily on-site and off-site backups, and a second level of defense with Cloud backups, I.T. Matters, Inc. offers solutions that focus on quick restoration of lost data to keep your business in continuous operation.

Insist that your IT company conduct regular data backup and data recovery tests. Have them show you document and proof whenever tests are conducted. It is suggested that at least once a year, you should simulate a complete failure of your system to ensure that all your IT resources come online on your backup systems.

I.T. Matters, Inc. technicians are specialists at implementing the necessary measures to keep a company’s data and workflow protected and available, regardless of the circumstance. Call I.T. Matters, Inc. today and make sure that your sensitive data and information are protected and recoverable.
